Mechanical and Boilermaker Services

Diverse Mechanical Services:
IMI’s Boilermaker Teams are an essential part of our integrated multi-craft solutions. Teamed with our highly skilled metal trades teams, the Boilermakers erect, repair and maintain large pressure vessels, tanks and boiler systems while performing all associated code welding.
Our team of highly skilled boilermakers and welders can erect, repair and maintain your large pressure vessels, tanks and boiler systems as well perform associated code welding. We know how to weld on virtually all grades of carbon steel, stainless steel, alloys and exotic metals. We provide field services for a wide range of equipment including:
If you require immediate service, IMI’s Boilermaker teams are equipped to meet the high emergency needs of our customers, minimizing costly downtime without sacrificing safety or quality.
IMI’s Accreditation’s include ASME (S, U Certifications) and NBIC Repair (R Stamp) Certificates of Authorization.